Financial Info

2015.12.07 Monthly Revenue
The Company announced the result of self-assessed revenue of Nov. 2015.
Please refer to Market Observation Post System for more details regarding the announcement.
2015.11.09 Monthly Revenue
Announcement of the BOD meeting approved 2015 3Q consolidated financial statements.
Please refer to Market Observation Post System for more details regarding the announcement.
2015.11.06 Monthly Revenue
The Company announced the result of self-assessed revenue of Oct. 2015.
Please refer to Market Observation Post System for more details regarding the announcement.
2015.10.06 Monthly Revenue
The Company announced the result of self-assessed revenue of Sep. 2015.
Please refer to Market Observation Post System for more details regarding the announcement.
2015.09.07 Monthly Revenue
The Company announced the result of self-assessed revenue of Aug. 2015.
Please refer to Market Observation Post System for more details regarding the announcement.
2015.08.11 Monthly Revenue
Announcement of the BOD meeting approved 2015 2Q consolidated financial statements.
Please refer to Market Observation Post System for more details regarding the announcement.
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