Financial Info

2021.12.03 Monthly Revenue
The Company announced the unaudited consolidated revenue on November, 2021
Apex (TW-4927) has disclosed unaudited consolidated revenue of November, 2021 on 3 December 2021.
2021.11.05 Monthly Revenue
The Company announced the unaudited consolidated revenue on January, 2021
The Company announced the unaudited consolidated revenue on January, 2021.
2021.11.04 Monthly Revenue
The Company announced the unaudited consolidated revenue on October, 2021
Apex (TW-4927) has disclosed unaudited consolidated revenue of October, 2021 on 4 November 2021.
2021.10.04 Monthly Revenue
The Company announced the unaudited consolidated revenue on September, 2021
Apex (TW-4927) has disclosed unaudited consolidated revenue of September, 2021 on October 2021.
2021.09.06 Monthly Revenue
The Company announced the unaudited consolidated revenue on August, 2021
Apex (TW-4927) has disclosed unaudited consolidated revenue of August, 2021 on 6 September 2021.
2021.07.05 Monthly Revenue
The Company announced the unaudited consolidated revenue on June, 2021
Apex (TW-4927) has disclosed unaudited consolidated revenue of June, 2021 on 5 July 2021. You may find relative information from below:
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