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Stakeholder Engagement

Stakeholder Engagement

Stakeholder communication is reported to the board of directors at least once a year, and the latest report date is December 19, 2023.
Stakeholder Issues Response Dept. Way of Communication
and Interaction
Frequency 2023 Communication situation
Society Compliance level; water resource management; pollution and waste management; social communication; occupational safety and health; labour rights, diversity and equality RBA team, ADM, HR

Sustainable Development Committee Secretary
Miss Wu
Email: csr@apex-intl.com.tw
  • Compliance with Relevant Regulations
  • Website Announcements
  • Community Maintenance, Public Welfare Activities
  • Interaction with Local Government
  • Irregular
  • Irregular
  • Irregular
  • Irregular
  1. Engage in community outreach activities
  2. Comply with environmental regulations
  3. Continuously improve water resource and waste management systems
  4. Plant greenery
  5. Support women's employment
Customer Sustainability risk; pollution and waste management; CO2 emission and energy management; water resource management; climate change BIZ, QA, ADM, R&D, PUR

Chief Business Officer
Mr. Lee
Email: ozzy@apexcircuit.com
  • Telephone calls
  • Emails
  • Meetings
  • Visit and interview
  • Internal and external audit
  • Customer satisfaction survey
  • GHG emission investigation
  • CDP questionnaire
  • ESG report
  • Daily frequent communication of routine affairs
  • Customers execute audit plan, CO2 emission investigation and relative management policy
  • Semi-annual customer satisfaction survey
  • Conflict minerals questionnaire investigation per internal policy
  1. Enhance the content of ESG reports
  2. Respond to CDP questionnaire
  3. Continuously improve water resource and waste management systems
Employee Integrity; sustainability risk; remuneration and performance; quality management; digital transformation Employee welfare committee, ADM, HR

Sustainable Development Committee Secretary
Miss Wu
Email: csr@apex-intl.com.tw
  • Email Notifications, Facebook Announcements, Line Official Account Announcements, Intranet Announcements
  • Employee Welfare Committee Meetings, Internal Meetings, Complaint Box
  • Employee Satisfaction Surveys
  • Occupational Physical Check-ups
  • Safety Awareness Campaigns, Safety and Occupational Committees; ISO45001 Committee
  • Fire Drills
  • Employee Training
  • Irregular
  • Irregular
  • Yearly
  • Yearly
  • Irregular
  • Yearly
  • Annual Plan
  1. Enhance sustainability reporting content
  2. Compliance with regulations, no major compliance incidents
  3. Link compensation with performance and conduct regular performance reviews
  4. Obtain various certifications such as ISO to ensure quality management
  5. Actively embrace digitalisation in operations
Competent Authority Compliance level; sustainability risk; risk management; board and corporate governance; integrity; patent and intelligence management; information safety; green supervisory Board, CG (corporate governance), F&A, ADM

Chief Strategy Officer/Spokesperson
Mr. Wu
Email: ir@apex-intl.com.tw
  • Official letters, Media, Official Website, Email, MOPS, Seminars
  • TCFD Report, ESG Report
  • Compliance with Relevant Regulations
  • Corporate Governance Evaluation
  • Irregular
  • Yearly
  • Irregular
  • Yearly
  1. Participate in advocacy and seminars organised by regulatory authorities
  2. Compliance with regulations, no major compliance incidents
  3. Conduct annual risk management analysis
  4. Receive ESG-related awards and international ratings
  5. Rank in the top 5% of 10th(Y2023) Corporate Governance Evaluation
Shareholder Research development and innovation; water resource management; customer relationship management; climate change; CO2 emission and energy management IR

Chief Strategy Officer/Spokesperson
Mr. Wu
Email: ir@apex-intl.com.tw
  • Shareholders’ Meetings, Annual Report, ESG Report
  • Earning Call, Spokesman Window, Mops, Official Website
  • Yearly
  • Irregular
  1. Shareholders' meeting
  2. Enhance sustainability reporting disclosure content
  3. Publish significant information and various announcements in accordance with laws and regulations
  4. Participate in 4 domestic earning calls in 2023
Supplier Compliance level; quality management; green supervisory; occupational safety and health PUR, PD, QA

Chief Procurement Officer
Mr. Huang
Email: jeff_huang@apexcircuit.com
  • Supplier Audit, Acceptance Review
  • Phone Calls, Emails, Meetings
  • Yearly
  • Irregular
  1. Compliance with regulations, no major compliance incidents
  2. Obtain various certifications such as ISO to ensure quality management, occupational health and safety management, and labour rights