Corporate Governance Practices

Governance Structure

The Board of Directors is the core of Apex corporate governance system, provides strategic guidance for the operation of the Company and oversees the business performance of the Company's management.

As the role of highest governance organization, there were four independent directors in the BOD, and through the Remuneration Committee, the Audit Committee and the Independent Internal Audit section to ensure that the company's business practices comply with the relevant laws and regulations and implement the following corporate governance objectives:

  1. Establish an effective corporate governance framework.
  2. Protect the rights and interests of shareholders.
  3. Strengthen the powers of the board of directors.
  4. Respect the rights and interests of stakeholders.
  5. Enhance information transparency.

• To protect shareholders' rights and interests and ensure their equal treatment, the Company already set up rules of “Insider trading management” in the Internal Control System prohibiting company insiders from obtaining any benefits from trading securities using information not disclosed to the market.

Corporate Governance Operation

In 2024, the promotion of work sustainability development related was executed by the corporate governance team (please refer to the paragraph of Corporate Governance Practice) promoted works of transparent corporate governance; the safety team was organized by CEO and HR team to promote safety, anti-fire, anti-drug works, etc.; welfare committee was composed by senior managerial persons to promote welfare-related works; energy saving team was composed by senior managerial persons from manufacturing department and energy saving team to promote works of saving carbon usage and energy saving projects. Those work results were reported to the Board meeting in the last month of each year. Sustainability work was reported to the Board meeting by the corporate governance team at the end of 2024.