Internal Audit

The Internal Audit office is under BOD in Apex’s organization and reports to the BOD meeting directly. We have full time internal auditors who follow the qualification requirements of laws.

The internal auditors make the annual audit plan according to the risk assessment and propose the annual audit plan for the approval of the Audit Committee and BOD meeting.

The Company performs full self-assessments of its internal control system. Its board of directors and management review the results of the self-assessments by each department at least annually and the reports of the internal audit department on a quarterly basis. The audit committee attends to and supervises these matters. Audit committees periodically hold discussions with their internal auditors about reviews of internal control system deficiencies. BOD meetings will approve and issue the Internal Control System Statement annually according to the result of self-assessments.

Apex set up internal audit personnel according to the business scope of each company in the Group. Now there is one internal auditor in Parent company Apex Internal Co., Ltd and two internal auditors in Thailand main enterprise Apex Circuit(Thailand) Co., Ltd full time in charge of internal audit work.

  1. Set up the company internal control system and amendment affairs.
  2. To proceed internal audit work per the annual audit plan.
  3. Preparing internal audit reports, providing improved action suggestions and following up the audit findings improvement status. Report it to independent directors, Audit Committee and BOD meetings of the company.