Part of phase 1 of the Apex Solar Project has been completed ahead of schedule, with an expected annual carbon emissions reduction of over 3,100 tons.
Apex GREEN Project ESG

Issuer: Apex International Co., Ltd.
Issuance date: 14 July 2023

Phase 1.2.1 of the Apex Solar Project has completed. By adding a 1.6MW nameplate capacity to Apex’s solar system, it is expected to further reduce over 1,100 tons of carbon dioxide emissions annually. From July 2023, the total nameplate capacity of the operational solar energy system will reach 4.4MW, estimated to result in an annual reduction of approximately 3,100 tons of carbon emissions.

Furthermore, to optimize the factory space and maximize the benefits of the Apex Solar Project, we have taken the Apex 2 Rooftop Project into consideration, leading to adjustments to the Apex Solar Project. The scope of the Project has been expanded to include the rooftop of the water plant and the Aqua plant, both located behind the Apex 2 factory. From 2025, the total nameplate capacity of Apex’s solar system is expected to increase to 12.2 MW. The estimated renewable energy usage ratio is projected to reach approximately 5%, with an anticipated annual carbon emissions reduction of over 8,800 tons. If we take the year 2022 as the benchmark for carbon emissions, this reduction is equivalent to a nearly 5% decrease in greenhouse gas emissions.

Prospecting the future, phase 2 of the project is scheduled to commence construction in 2025. Upon completion, the total nameplate capacity of Apex’s solar system is expected to exceed 21.5MW, which is expected to reduce over 15,600 tons of carbon emissions. When compared to the baseline year of 2022, this reduction is equivalent to a nearly 10% decrease in greenhouse gas emissions.

At this critical moment of energy transition, Apex adheres to the principle of pursuing sustainable business practices. We actively integrate Group resources to accelerate the development of the Apex Solar Project. By gradually building a green energy system, we aim to reduce our dependence on traditional energy sources. Leveraging the natural advantage of Thailand's average annual sunshine of nearly 200 days, the Apex Solar Project will provide clean energy to Apex's factories, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions. We closely align our commitment to sustainability with our factory operations, striving to create a future of environmental sustainability.

【About Apex Solar Project】
Facing the global climate change and carbon emissions reduction trends, Apex launched the "Apex GREEN Project" to strengthen our ESG development with three main topics, which are "Renewable Energy", "Wastewater Recycling", and "Improving Energy Efficiency". Apex Solar Project was born to increase the Renewable Energy replacement ratio and provide factory electricity demand in the future. The project has already started in December 2021 and is expected to be completed in 2027 in two phases. At that time, the nameplate capacity of Apex’s solar system is expected to exceed 21.5MW, which is expected to reduce the annual carbon emissions of more than 15,600 tons.

Relevant information:
Video of Apex Solar Project

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